Hello, my name is Tony Leon - thanks for stopping by! This website is an attempt to briefly share information about
my family roots as a 9th generation Angeleno. In 2004 I finally became interested in learning about my heritage,
and since then I've discovered a lot about Los Angeles history as a descendant of an original settler
of the city, founded in 1781. It has been a labor of love unlocking doors to the past and I hope you will
be inspired by your visit.

I dedicate this site to my cousin Felix who tried to get me involved with this back in 1981 during LA's bicentennial
year, to my children Anthony and Alexandra, and my wife Teresa for indulging me in my endeavor of exploring my roots. Also,
to the local native Americans who over the years have been displaced and marginalized within history and whose freedoms were
sacrificed for the freedoms we all take for granted today.