9 Generations in Los Angeles

New! 2017 DW News interview on multicultural LA

A Brief History
Los Pobladores 200
My Santa Barbara Connection
More on LA
Continuing the Legacy
The City of Angels turns 225
LP200 rides LA float at Rose Parade
Misc Pictures
Cousin Felix - RIP
LP200 2012
LP200 2014
New! 2017 DW News interview on multicultural LA

Social consciousness...

DW interview
At Mission San Gabrial

I was especially happy to receive the usual email this summer from someone who had seen my website. A correspondent with DW news was doing a piece on multiculturalism in the era of Trump and she hoped to get my take on all the media attention enflamed by the rhetoric of his presidential campaign. Basically, the concept I mention earlier in my website about LA's multicultural origins reflected in the city's social evolution is contrasted with the apparent trend today in which modern-day nationalists would rather see social divisions as idealized by Trump's notion of building a wall separating the US and Mexico. Nicole Spohn Almeida did a great job capturing these ideas in the interview while allowing me to brag about my heritage. It was fun hanging out at my house with her and taking a road trip to the San Gabriel Mission to film. (See link below.)

Thanks Nicole, it was nice meeting you!

Tony on DW

