9 Generations in Los Angeles

Continuing the Legacy

A Brief History
Los Pobladores 200
My Santa Barbara Connection
More on LA
Continuing the Legacy
The City of Angels turns 225
LP200 rides LA float at Rose Parade
Misc Pictures
Cousin Felix - RIP
LP200 2012
LP200 2014
New! 2017 DW News interview on multicultural LA

The Leons carry the torch... 

My son Anthony is a young history buff who loves going to the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles and the Bowers Kidseum in Santa Ana. At Bowers he learns about cultural art through fun activities. I'm always proud to have him with me at Pobladores' functions and I can't wait till his sister Alex is old enough to join in on the fun. These things are expected to build our children's own sense of pride and belonging as they are exposed to their heritage and others who share the same interests. 

Anthony at Bowers
Anthony crosses bridge playing at Bowers

Anthony and friends at Bowers
Anthony with friends Hanna and Sophie and Mexican Day of the Dead character

Bowers exhibit
Bowers Kidseum exhibit of pobladores Los Angeles pueblo

Anthony at San Gabriel Mission
Anthony in front of Los Pobladores 200 table at San Gabriel Mission for Sept. 2005 festival

Leon Family
La Familia

Winnie the Pooh
A more recent pic from the kid's first Disneyland trip